dimanche 16 février 2014

Une nouvelle Idée ..

ET oui , on ne sourit pas et on ne fait aucuns commentaires.
Je suis dans une phase de démolition. Et pourquoi pas ? Après le petit salon bleu, le grand salon vert.

Je trouvais que le coin de la pièce était un peu vide .

Non, je ne trouve pas une autre excuse pour ne pas avancer ....

je veux surtout finir en priorité les trois pièces qui sont alignées côte à côte sur le même étage. Je dois les réunir ensemble pour pouvoir terminer de construire le deuxième étage. Une fois que j'aurais collé ces trois pièces ensemble, je ne pourrai plus intervenir. Non, non, ce n'est pas du perfectionnisme ! c'est juste l'envie que tout soit parfait ! je suis sure que vous me comprenez .

20 commentaires:

  1. Where else can you get things just the way you want them, other then the miniature world. I love the new addition of the bookcase. I think it does warm up that corner of the room It is PERFECTION! ;-)

  2. Stop! Attention! La perfection n'est pas toujours ce qu'il y a de mieux, elle peut devenir ennuyeuse. J'adorais ton salon bleu avec son rideau rouge. Il nous laissait entrevoir que ce n'était pas le salon de madame Toutlemonde. C'est vrai que le miroir fonctionne un peu mieux mais je me demande si c'était si important... C'est vrai aussi que je n'ai pas l'ensemble sous les yeux et que je sais que tu as l'oeil, le bon!

    1. J'ai eu beaucoup de mal a me séparer de cette couleur car c'est celle que j'avais choisie . Mais elle ne me permettait pas d'atteindre le but que je m'étais fixè. Cela arrive souvent en dessin ou en peinture . Il faut retravailler un détail car même si il est très bien fait , il désert l'ensemble . Il ne faut pas perdre de vue , notre objectif . C'est vrai que la pièce est devenue plus classique . Il faudrait trouver un autre détail pour la rendre plus dynamique . ... Je suis pour toutes les propositions :)))) je t'embrasse

  3. Bonsoir Catherine! Personally I don't like the word perfection, because I think it does not exist: total perfection! But the feeling that all things in the miniature house, or room are like you want them to be, than you may mention this perfection :D!
    That is why I love the addition of the bookcase, it suits this room very well!
    Your miniature paintings are real treasures, they are so beautiful!
    Bonne soirée! Amicalement, Ilona

  4. I do not like perfection, it lacks life. but I'm a perfectionist ... I'm happy when I get close to me as close as possible to the room I had imagined. I admit that the room always start even prevents me to start a new piece. I embrace you.

  5. "Perfection" is not a dirty word!!! I find that you are 'courageous'.....you have the courage to change to what you feel is better and the courage to dismantle a room and rebuild if it is not to your liking. Remember it is your work and I am privileged to see it via your blog.....I look forward to more....lots more!!! Linda xx

    1. Merci Linda ,it's fun as the words "perfectionist" or "perfect" trigger on both reflection. it was humor, I laughed at myself. when I destroyed my ceiling, I thought ... "You get a little crazy" is what detail at the bottom of this piece worth all this work? probably yes, because I want to be right. Catherine told me something very right. there is that with miniature that can decide everything and really do what we want.

  6. Well it is certainly good to change things if you are not satisfied, call it what ever you want :) But "perfection" is a scary word....

    1. thank you, I did not use the word "perfection" but "perfectionisme". I do not know how it is translated. "Perfectionisme" can be used as a fault or a quality in someone. using this word, I wanted to be humorous. I laughed at me saying that I wanted everything to be "perfect." I think many miniaturists like me, spend a lot of time on their achievement. Again .. but still the same .... I'm a little ...." perfectioniste" ... it becomes a default .... :)))) must ask my family, haha!

  7. Hi Catherine! I can totally understand why you would want to correct a corner that for You, was not living up to its potential. Like any real life house, one can live with something annoying for only so long and then suddenly think " that is enough of that" and suddenly move to change and correct it. With the new shelving you have now a more intimate corner with more space for books and display and the comfort and coziness factor have been kicked waaaaay up too. "Perfection" is a feeling within yourself that you have reached a place of satisfaction and contentment and can move on. It is also a mood and atmosphere that is consistent with the story being told and in this case it... most definitely is ... Perfect!!! :D


    1. yes, I really want this room is the busiest of the house. as in older homes. I want there is the details everywhere. too full of details. I want a large room crowded with lots of memories. with furniture styles of different periods. old things everywhere. I want this room is opposite the little blue room which is closed, which is reserved for visitors. the great green room must be the room where everyone goes, sits, reads. long ago that the paintings should be redone. orange couch is tired, the cushions are no longer fashionable and armchair grandmother fireside .... everyone wants to put in the trash. .... What life! I would find one or two books open to let dragged on chairs ... there are always things to do to improve all this

  8. It is satisfying to strive to achieve a level that you are happy with, even though it may not be exactly perfection. I often keep fiddling, adding and changing things until I feel within myself I have achieved the general look and feel of what I had in my minds eye. The extra shelves add a lot to the room. I love the colour.

    1. this is exactly what I feel. thumbnail allows me to create something very personal. it's a nice hobby. and I'm trying to work up when I feel like you that satisfies me.

  9. Je ne dis rien, je ne fais aucun commentaire, je suis muette comme une carpe ... Mais ... euh, et puis non ...
    (en revanche, tintin double tintin pour les livres : assume maintenant ! Non, mais !!!)
    Biz +++

    1. Je te reconnais bien là .... Même pas un livre de poche .... Elles vont être bien vides mes étagères si je ne peux pas compter sur mes amies pour me faire des livres !!!!! Snif , .... Sanglots ...

  10. I completely understand...all of my mini projects have at least one flaw (if it's not too noticeable, I'll leave well enough alone), but if something just doesn't look right, I'm definitely going to rip it out and re-do it.

  11. Si algo no te gusta, pues muy bien a demoler, tiene que gustarte a ti, es lo importante,buena semana.

  12. Bonjour Catherine,
    Il n'y a rien de pire que de finir un projet et d'etre decu du resultat.
    Jai tres hate de voir le deuxieme etage fini...vous etes tres bien partit.
    A bientot,

  13. Cela ne m'étonne pas du tout venant de ta part Cela va bien finir la pièce. Mais vas tu remplir les étagères de livres? Si c'est le cas bon courage pour faire tous les livres, j'espère qu'il y aura aussi de jolis petits trésors comme sur les autres.
